“As a Roma, I know very well what it means to be seen through different eyes by your compatriots. That’s why I chose ELIJAH. It’s nice to give many children hope for a better life.” Mădălina works as an educator.

“As a Roma, I know very well what it means to be seen through different eyes by your compatriots. That’s why I chose ELIJAH. It’s nice to give many children hope for a better life.” Mădălina works as an educator.
IBAN: AT66 1630 0001 3019 8724 | BIC: BTVAAT22
ELIJAH. P. Georg Sporschill SJ. Soz.Werke
Lagergasse 1/4, 1030 Vienna
Phone: +43 1 952 60 00
Mail: office.wien@elijah.at
ELIJAH Iniţiativa Socială Ruth Zenkert
557168 Hosman nr. 217, Com. Nocrich, jud. Sibiu
Phone: +40 786 715 117
Mail: office.hosman@elijah.ro