Settlement "Cartier Marghita" in Nocrich
A neglected Roma settlement in Nocrich is being transformed into family homes with blooming gardens. With the active support of the village community, we have built new, winter-proof houses for twelve families in the new Cartier Marghita.
Each family got its own toilet house. The community provided the building site and enabled the canalisation, a water pipe and electricity. Wienerberger company supported the project providing bricks. The furnishings for the new homes were made by our employees of the ELIJAH carpentry.

Doctor's practice in Hosman
The old woman Heruvima, dressed all in black, moans, everything hurts. She’s never been to a doctor because she couldn’t make it to the distant city. There wasn’t even enough money for the bus trip. But now Dr. Radulescu comes once a week to Casa Nova in Hosman. The practice is an important facility, especially for pregnant women and young mothers. He advises parents, brings medication and refers patients to specialists in town. People in Hosman trust the medic and his assistant. Even talking to someone who cares about their well-being gives them hope.

Social center Casa Susanna in Nocrich
The newly built Casa Susanna social center in the Cartier Marghita settlement is the heart of the Roma community on the edge of the village. Above all, the children have a safe and loving space here to play and learn. In the mornings there is care in the kindergarten, at noon we cook a warm meal for the children. In the afternoons we help the school children with their homework. We show mothers and children to brush their teeth, keep their bodies clean and eat healthy. Above all, the women on site support us in our daily work, many live alone with their children.