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To give hope

Every day, ELIJAH’s social workers visit destitute families in their huts. They discuss their problems and their needs, and bring them the most urgent requirements to help them survive.

Our staff assist the families in their dealings with public authorities and when they need to obtain important documents. They pick up the children from home in the mornings and accompany them to school.

A child welfare team strengthens the young persons‘ self-confidence and teaches them how they can defend themselves against violence and assaults, as well as to stand up for others. In case of problems, our staff provide assistance and inform the welfare authorities.

In the Casa Nova in Hosman, a medical practitioner cares for the sick. Many village inhabitants come there, as it is a long trip to the city and treatment is expensive. The doctor visits seriously ill patients at home. He brings them the required medicine – free of charge for the poorest of them.

A dentist treats patients from the surrounding villages and shows them how to brush their teeth correctly. Without water, daily oral hygiene is impossible for many Romani families. In the Social Centres, each child owns an individual toothbrush.