Casa Sonja
Alle sind eingeladen. Fachlehrer unterrichten Instrumente, Gesang und Tanz. Über 250 Schüler üben regelmäßig. Bei Konzerten zeigen sie, was sie gelernt haben. Die Eltern schauen stolz auf ihre Kinder.
ELIJAH’s music school has two locations students are brought from five villages near Sibiu: Casa Sonja in Hosman and Casa Thomas in Nou. These music schools have become the centrepieces of their villages. On five weekdays, more than 250 pupils receive lessons and make music together in orchestra and choir. We offer tuition for saxophone, accordion, clarinet, flute, trumpet and piano, as well as for the string instruments violin, viola, violoncello and double bass. Singing and voice training, groups for traditional Romanian and modern dance are also taught. A main focus is Romani tradition.
Samuel Gomez from Guatemala and Félix Briceño from Venezuela have headed the two music schools since February 2022. Both hail from the El Sistema school, an aid programme which provides free music education for children from the poorest South American regions. José Antonio Abreu, founder of El Sistema, was convinced that „A child who has music is not poor.“ Through the opportunity to join in making music, open to all, a road is opened which leads to joy and human dignity. The secret is that students quickly become teachers, who by furthering others grow themselves.
Our new music school directors Samuel and Félix bring the spirit of El Sistema to Romania. They not only inspire the children and young people, but also the 24-member teaching staff.
• Avremil
Through music education, the children experience the joy of learning. It boosts their self-confidence, awakens children’s diligence and ambition, and has a direct impact on success at school. Music attracts children and young people whom we cannot reach by educational and social projects alone. Thus the music schools are an engine for our social work in the villages. Proudly, the pupils show their prowess. In order to introduce even the youngest children in a playful way, we have small „music boxes“ in the Social Centres with Orff instruments for early musical education.
The music school is open to all children. Contacts have formed between Roma and Romanian children, replacing the former deep rifts between the ethnic groups. Friendships spring up through playing together in the orchestra. Cultural events strengthen the Roma families‘ integration into the village community.
Alle sind eingeladen. Fachlehrer unterrichten Instrumente, Gesang und Tanz. Über 250 Schüler üben regelmäßig. Bei Konzerten zeigen sie, was sie gelernt haben. Die Eltern schauen stolz auf ihre Kinder.
Die Musikschule ist ein Motor für die Sozialarbeit in den Dörfern geworden. Instrumente und Tanz zaubern Selbstbewusstsein und Würde in die Gesichter von ausgegrenzten Kindern. Viele Interessierte drängen in die Elijah Musikschule.
IBAN: AT66 1630 0001 3019 8724 | BIC: BTVAAT22
ELIJAH. P. Georg Sporschill SJ. Soz.Werke
Lagergasse 1/4, 1030 Vienna
Phone: +43 1 952 60 00
Mail: office.wien@elijah.at
ELIJAH Iniţiativa Socială Ruth Zenkert
557168 Hosman nr. 217, Com. Nocrich, jud. Sibiu
Phone: +40 786 715 117
Mail: office.hosman@elijah.ro