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Award for Ruth Zenkert (June)

The President of the International Romani Union (IRU), Dorin Cioabă, awarded Ruth Zenkert, President of ELIJAH, the Diploma of Merit for the integration and education of Roma children. Cioabă is also the self-proclaimed “King of Roma everywhere” and Bulibasha of his clan.
He used a beautiful image in his speech. Europeans had found diamonds in Africa, which they had cut into valuable gemstones. However, they took these precious stones with them. In contrast, ELIJAH finds diamonds in Transylvania – Roma children – who, as musicians, shine like precious stones and are valuable. They are allowed to flourish in their own country and are not taken abroad.

Raven dance in Sibiu (June)

We are celebrating our musical highlight, the Raven Dance, twice this year: the party in Sibiu at our Casa Francisc was a lively celebration!